Phone Number: 01283 500 930

Mobile Number: 07736 451 880

About Fly Infestations:

Flies are a common pest which can spread disease throughout your home or business. Wherever a fly lands it can contaminate surfaces or food. This is why fly pest control is so important.

A single fly might not seem that important, but a female fly can lay 100 eggs five to six times in one day. The larvae will hatch in 12 to 24 hours, which is when the larvae become maggots. 

Granted maggots are great for fishermen; however, nobody wants a hoard of maggots wriggling around their home.

Once you find where flies are landing, thoroughly clean the area if you find maggots sweep them up and either put them outside or in a sealed plastic bag for disposal.

Health and Safety

House flies carry many different diseases which they will leave behind on every surface they land on; therefore, they should never be ignored.

Home infestation

If you have an infestation, the first thing you need to do is identify just where the flies are laying their eggs. Likely places are food waste bins and uncovered pet food.

Check for Food

You must also check if foodstuffs have been dropped down the side of cookers and cupboards, these places are also excellent breeding sites for flies.

Finding the route of the problem

We will be only too happy to give you all the help, information and advice you need. We provide free quotes for all of our services. We will visit your commercial or residential property at a time to suit you.

Dealing with the problem

We offer a fast and effective service to all our customers. We have many different treatments available for fly infestations

Taking Action

If you have an infestation of the house fly and need professional fly control to get rid of them, call our team at Premier Pest Control on 01283 500 930.

What are the main pest flies in the UK?

See below for information regarding the following species:

Blue Bottle:

Bottle flies are also called blowflies; they are large common, flies and are widely known for their metallic blue or green colour. Bluebottle flies are attracted to rotten food, bins and rubbish.

These flies are scavengers and are attracted to decaying animal flesh, faeces, rotting meat and other food waste as such these flies are known carriers of diseases.

A female bottle fly can lay more than 2,000 eggs in a lifetime. The most common signs of bottle flies are either the adults themselves or their larvae.

The adults' flies are often found resting on surfaces or buzzing around potential food or odour sources. The larvae can be seen when they crawl out of their breeding material to pupate.

Bluebottle flies in your home can transmit bacteria and diseases between hosts. The risk increases if these flies feed on foods that humans consume. A bluebottle fly can spread illnesses like conjunctivitis, food poisoning and dysentery.

The Removal of outdoor sources of blue bottle fly infestations is also a useful measure for prevention.

In addition to this process, you should clean compost bins regularly, if you have mousetraps remove any dead mice. If possible, keep doors closed or use fly screens on external doors and windows to prevent flies from accessing your living spaces.

Cluster Fly:

Cluster flies, also known as attic flies and are pests for households. Cluster flies are often found in attics and cavity walls and can also be seen around window frames. Cluster flies are more than capable of crawling through small openings in the walls of a building.

These flies will enter homes looking for somewhere warm when it is cold during the autumn and winter months. Cluster flies prefer warm areas, so homeowners will often find them flying around their homes on sunny days in the winter and late autumn months.

Entering living spaces by way of electrical outlets or baseboards, the pests take shelter in attics and walls to hibernate, awaiting the arrival of warmer spring weather.

On winter days when it is sunny, the voids in your walls might become warm. Cluster flies will try to move toward the light. They can be found buzzing around windows in clusters.

Cluster flies do not carry any diseases and do not cause extensive damage to your homes. However, the flies may darken walls or windows with their droppings and can attract other insects if they die inside the voids of your walls.

Fruit Fly:

Fruit flies can are usually found around fermenting fruit and other sugary items such as beer and alcohol.

It is challenging to rid a home of the common fruit fly. Fruit flies are attracted to organic and sugary materials. As their name suggests, these flies are found infesting fruit.

However, fruit flies will also breed in decaying meat, food waste bins and large spills of fruit juice or alcohol. Any fruit brought home should be stored in a refrigerator is possible.

There are no specific illnesses connected to fruit flies. However, there are some concerns that fruit flies carry bacteria from one place to another and contaminate food with infectious microorganisms.

The Mosquito:

Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so properties near marshes, ponds and depressions that collect rainwater are at most risk of a mosquito infestation.

Mosquitoes and midges can also bite. Mosquitoes find their way inside your home through open windows and doors, they usually like to rest in darkened, hidden areas, but will come out at night in search of a meal of blood.

Male adult mosquitoes do not feast on blood; females do to aid their egg production. Mosquitoes can transmit several dangerous illnesses to human beings these illnesses include the Zika virus.

People have varying reactions to bites, ranging from mild irritation to intense inflammation and swelling.

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Premier Pest Control offers fly pest control as well as services for many different types of pests. If you would like to find out more information, a free price estimation, or further details about our pest control services, please search our website, or give us a call, today! 

Our friendly team are always on hand to give you expert advice, and great service. As a company, we also offer a reliable and fast response service, so we can solve your pest problems as quickly as we can. 

If you have a fly infestation and need professional fly control to get rid of them, call our team at Premier Pest Control on 01283 500 930.